Lolita, the orca who waited 50 years for her freedom

The orca Lolita, also known as Tokitae, will finally be freed from its 50-year captivity in a tank at the Miami Seaquarium and returned to its natural habitat in a marine sanctuary.

The announcement was made by the aquarium itself, which said the decision was made thanks to pressure from animal welfare organisations and financial help from entrepreneur Jim Irsay. Lolita's release represents a historic turning point in the fight for the freedom of marine animals kept in captivity for the public's amusement.

However, there are still some challenges ahead, such as choosing a release site and creating a sanctuary suitable for her needs. Lolita's release is good news for animal rights activists and all those fighting for the preservation of marine life.

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Lolita, the orca who waited 50 years for her freedom
The orca Lolita, also known as Tokitae, will finally be freed from its 50-year captivity in a tank at the Miami Seaquarium and returned to its natural habitat in a marine sanctuary. The announcement was made by the aquarium itself, which said the decision was made thanks to pressure from animal welfare organisations and financial help from entrepreneur Jim Irsay. Lolita's release represents a historic turning point in the fight for the freedom of marine animals kept in captivity for the public's amusement. However, there are still some challenges ahead, such as choosing a release site and creating a sanctuary suitable for her needs. Lolita's release is good news for animal rights activists and all those fighting for the preservation of marine life.
Jeff Greenberg/Universal Images Group via Getty Images
The orca Lolita
The orca Lolita, captured in the ocean in 1970 and held captive for 50 years in a tank at the Miami Seaquarium, will finally be released within 18-24 months in a marine sanctuary. The announcement was made by the aquarium itself, which also said the decision was made thanks to the pressure from animal welfare organizations (Friends of Lolita) and financial help from the entrepreneur Jim Irsay.
By Averette at English Wikipedia, CC BY 3.0,
However, the release presents some challenges, as this is an old animal accustomed to life in captivity. In addition, it is still unclear where the sanctuary will be located and how the orca will behave in the wild, as it has been separated from its family and environment for most of its life. In any case, the release represents a step forward for the preservation of marine animals and their freedom.
Michele Eve Sandberg/Corbis via Getty Images
The orca, whose original name is Tokitae, lived with a mate, Hugo, until the latter's death in 1980. Since then he has lived in solitude in a tank, performing shows for the public. The release of Lolita is excellent news for animal rights activists, who have been fighting for its release, as it ends decades of suffering inflicted on marine animals kept in captivity for the public's amusement.
Jeff Greenberg/Universal Images Group via Getty Images
An important first step
The orca Lolita is the last 'southern resident' orca held in captivity and the hope is that her release will lead to more attention being paid to other marine mammals held in captivity. However, despite this good news, the 'world's loneliest' orca Kiska died in Canada a fortnight ago after 44 years of captivity. There is still much to be done
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