What is the only animal that can survive in space?

One of the most fascinating curiosities about animals concerns the following question: are there species that can survive in space?

Apparently, the question is answered in the affirmative. This species does exist and it would be the tardigrades. Very special animals of their kind, with such unique characteristics that they are, at least as far as we know so far, the only species that can survive the extreme conditions in space.

Tardigrades are in fact very hardy and are able to withstand very harsh environments with extreme temperatures.

There would be only one animal capable of surviving in space
One of the most fascinating curiosities about animals concerns the following question: are there species that can survive in space? Apparently, the question is answered in the affirmative. This species does exist and it would be the tardigrades.
Tardigrades and their unique characteristics
Tardigrades are very special animals of their kind, with such unique characteristics that they are, at least as far as we know so far, the only species that can survive the extreme conditions in space. In fact, tardigrades are very hardy and are able to withstand very harsh environments with extreme temperatures.
The experiment that took place in 2019
Experiments with tardigrades in space have already been carried out. For example, in 2019, when the Israeli Beresheet spacecraft was to pour thousands of dehydrated, dormant tardigrades onto the Moon, capable of withstanding decades in these conditions.
Where is it possible to find tardigrades on Earth
Tardigrades are truly microscopic animals that possess eight limbs and have a very curious shape. On Earth they can be found almost everywhere, from mountains to seas, and on land they can be spotted mainly in the presence of mosses and lichens. As William Miller of Baker University explained, although tardigrades are also able to survive in space, the possibility that they could be considered extraterrestrial in origin has to be ruled out.
Their ability to live in drought-affected environments
One of the most curious characteristics of these animals is their ability to survive in very dry environments. How do they do this? By drying themselves out and entering a kind of desiccation state in which they shrivel up. As long as it is untouched by water, the tardigrade survives without doing anything.
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