New study reveals the world's smartest purebred dogs

The intelligence of dogs has always been a subject of study for dog lovers and experts.

An investigation by the University of Helsinki aimed to shed light on the cognitive abilities of dog breeds by subjecting them to a series of tests to identify the world's most intelligent breeds.

The aim of the investigation was to determine how 13 dog breeds performed in various cognitive tests. With a sample of more than 1000 dogs, the researchers found several breed differences in traits such as social cognition, problem-solving ability and inhibitory control. (Source: University of Helsinki)

New study reveals the world's smartest purebred dogs
The intelligence of dogs has always been a subject of study for dog lovers and experts. An investigation by the University of Helsinki sought to shed light on the cognitive abilities of dog breeds by subjecting them to a series of tests to identify the world's most intelligent breeds. The aim of the investigation was to determine how different dog breeds performed in various cognitive tests. With a sample of more than 1000 dogs, the researchers found several breed differences in traits such as social cognition, problem-solving ability and inhibitory control. (Source: University of Helsinki)
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10) Australian shepherd, German Shepherd and Finnish Lapphun
Sharing the 10th position are three races: Australian Shepherd, German Shepherd and Finnish Lapphund.
Wikimedia - Gergely Vass
9) English cocker spaniel
Ninth place for the English cocker spaniel, a particularly elegant and aristocratic hunting and truffle dog breed: it is considered the best breed at recognizing and interpreting human gestures in the shortest possible time.
Wikimedia - Vanessafermino
8) Shetland Sheepdog
Eighth place for the Shetland Sheepdog, a breed of sheepdog, small in size, also called simply the Scottish Shepherd. Specially selected to guard flocks, it is an excellent companion dog, also reliable in guarding, among the most independent of its owner ever.
Wikimedia - No machine
7) Spanish water dog (perro de agua español)
Seventh position for the Spanish water dog: this is a breed used in Spain as a general-purpose herding and guard dog. It is also sometimes used as a hunting dog and is skilled in retrieving from water, quite aggressive but also very curious.
Wikimedia - Maredinverno
6) Hovawart
Sixth place for the Hovawart, extremely fast at solving tests but more lacking in memory. The Hovawart is a German dog breed: the name of the breed can be traced back to the words wart, guardian and hova, the medieval term for "court" as part of the farm, translated means "court keeper," which was also the main use of these dogs.
5) Golden retriver
In fifth position is the golden retriver, a medium-large, long-haired, water-repellent retriever dog of Scottish origin: it was found to be the absolute most independent dog of all
4) Border collie
In fourth position is the border collie, a dog breed native to southern Scotland on the border with England. It is one of the breeds with the best memory.
3) Labrador retriever
Third step on the podium for the Labrador Retriever: It is part of the retriever group, dogs bred and selected since the 19th century, medium sized, good temperament, intelligent, sociable, docile, calm, excellent swimmer (also thanks to the 'palmation' of its paws), originally used mainly by hunters as a retrieving dog. The Labrador retriever is one of the most popular breeds in the world, mainly due to its generally tame and sociable nature.
Wikimedia - Pertti Kärppä
2) Australian Kelpie
The Australian Kelpie is an Australian dog breed born from the mating of collies, brought to Australia by settlers, with dingoes: among the most curious and lively breeds among those investigated by research.
1) Belgian shepherd dog (Belgian Malinois)
In first place is the Belgian shepherd dog Malinois, one of the varieties of the Belgian shepherd: in the various tests it was subjected to, it scored 34 points out of the 39 available.
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