Signs of snakes around the house

Snakes, with their elusive and fascinating nature, often manage to cleverly hide in the most hidden corners and areas of our homes, but leave clues that betray their presence.

From the characteristic droppings left on the surface of floors and furniture, to traces of mucus on walls, from the remains of their prey to skins left behind after moulting, there are many clues that can signal the presence of snakes in or near your home. 

Get ready to explore the invisible and discover the details that indicate the presence of these fascinating but also fearsome reptiles in our living space. Be prepared to look beyond appearances as we unlock the secrets hidden behind the signs that indicate the presence of snakes in the home.

Shedding of skin
Snakes undergo a complete skin shedding in periods ranging from six months to a year, depending on the species. If you find shredded skin in your home, there is a high probability that there is a snake around.
Slithering traces
Snakes, as is well known, slither, and slithering leaves tracks. The least frequented areas of the house are preferred by snakes and are usually the dustiest. Dust in this situation is our ally because it helps identify snake tracks.
Strange noise
Snakes make a sound called hissing, so if you hear strange noises coming from dark, damp and unfrequented areas, there is a high probability that it is a snake. Snakes specifically choose places with these characteristics to hide and lay their eggs: basements, cellars, laundry rooms and attics are the favourite rooms of these animals.
Strange smell
Snakes have a unique odour and it is difficult not to be identified as a 'suspicious smell' if noticed. The areas to check are always the same, those that are damp and seldom visited, where odours tend not to vary unless something, or someone, decides to take shelter there.
Decrease in rodents and birds
If there were rodents and birds around the house and recently they are no longer there, it may be a sign of the presence of snakes. A strong signal, because these animals are in fact prey to snakes.
Snake droppings usually also contain bones and hair of previously ingested prey, so recognising them should not be complicated: pay close attention.
Clutter in damp areas
As we have already mentioned, snakes prefer to find shelter in damp, dark and unfrequented areas. If there are rooms with these characteristics in the house, and you find suspicious clutter, it could be a sign of the presence of snakes. Use a stick to move messy objects and exercise caution.
Burrows or holes
Burrows or holes in the garden can be a sign that a snake is present, as they like to use holes that other wild animals have created.
Traces of mucus
Snakes leave a thin film of mucus as they move, so you might find slimy tracks along walls, furniture or objects.
Snakes can build hidden nests, usually in warm, protected places. If you notice traces of nests, such as leaves or dry grass piled up in secluded corners or holes, a snake may have done it.
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Remains of prey
If you find remains of prey such as bones, feathers or hair, it could indicate the presence of a snake feeding inside your home.
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