The ten most popular cat breeds in the world: the updated ranking

The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc. (CFA) is an association founded in 1906 and is the world's largest feline registry for purebred cats.

The Cat Fanciers' Association also organises feline shows and exhibitions: basically, beauty contests where you can admire beautiful cats from all over the world.

Furthermore, every year, based on its records, the CFA publishes a ranking of the 10 most popular breeds in the world: here is the latest update, published in 2023.

Freepik, Wikimedia Commons
The most popular cat breeds in the world
The Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) was founded in 1906 and is the world's largest feline registry for purebred cats. The Cat Fanciers' Association also organises feline shows and exhibitions: basically, beauty contests where splendid cats from all over the world can be admired. Every year, based on its records, the CFA also publishes a ranking of the 10 most popular and widespread breeds: here is the latest update, published in 2023.
By Gatto Siberiano Murmur's - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
10. Siberian cat
Opening the Top 10 is the Siberian cat, whose origins can be traced back to a cross between the wild forest cat and the domestic cat imported into Siberian Russia. The harsh climatic conditions have shaped the physical appearance and character of this kitten, which is very strong and a skilled hunter. Furthermore, this breed is very popular because it is hypoallergenic.
9. Sphynx
The sphynx is a very special cat, with the unique characteristic of not having any hair on its coat. Although its appearance may seem very different from that of any other domestic kitten, the sphynx actually tends to suffer a lot from loneliness and is always very affectionate, constantly looking for cuddles.
8. Scottish Fold
The coat of this breed includes a very wide variety of colours and requires frequent and constant care. The main characteristic of the Scottish Fold is the fold of its ears, due to a genetic disorder. In general, this cat has a sociable and playful character and therefore also gets on very well with children.
7. Abyssinian
Originating from Ethiopia, this breed is one of the oldest in the world. Scholars believe that these cats are the direct descendants of those worshipped by the ancient Egyptians. Character traits typical of this breed include stubbornness and a constant demand for attention from their owner.
6. British Shorthair
The British Shorthair is the descendant of cats brought to Britain by the ancient Romans: these cats were later crossed with native wildcats. These cats are generally very autonomous, do not demand constant attention and do not particularly suffer from loneliness, having a tendency to always find ways to have fun and play, even alone.
5. Persian
Well-loved since the 1600s, the Persian has ranked fifth among the world's most popular breeds. Contributing to the popularity of this breed is its beauty, thanks to its long, flowing coat, the colouring of which even numbers some 200 possible colour combinations.
4. Exotic Shorthair
In the USA, this breed became widespread before 1960, while in Europe the first specimens appeared in the early 1980s. The Exotic Shorthair was partly selected from the Persian, but compared to the latter it is usually more active and energetic and likes to be the centre of attention.
3. Devon Rex
The Devon Rex has unique physical traits, from its fur to its very large ears, in contrast to its short muzzle. By nature, its character is very lively and outgoing and, like the sphynx, it is in constant search of cuddles and attention, so it does not like solitude and generally tends to suffer from cold and bad weather.
2. Maine Coon
The Maine Coon is one of the oldest breeds among those originating in North America. Many legends circulate about its origin, such as the one according to which this breed was born from a cross between a lynx and a raccoon, although this is obviously not possible. One of its main characteristics is its long, thick tail, which this kitten wraps around itself when it curls up to sleep to protect itself from the cold.
By Lindsey Mead - DSC_0348, CC BY 2.0,
1. Ragdoll
Popular since the 1960s, the ragdoll is much loved for its calm character, as well as being very affectionate by nature. The ragdoll is not only popular in the United States, but also in Europe, especially in Great Britain. Felines belonging to this breed are known as 'dog-like cats', as they have the tendency, like dogs, to follow people around in their home environment, love to be petted and can sometimes even be trained to carry objects.
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