The moment two lynxes are released to return to the wild, photos

The two lynxes, Margi and Sofia, were released into a wild valley in the forest of Tarvisio, as part of the "Ulyca2" project to prevent the extinction of the Eurasian lynx in the Dinaric Mountains and Southeastern Alps,

The liberation of the two lynxes
Two Eurasian lynxes, Margi and Sofia, have been released into a wild valley in the Forest of Tarvisio, as part of the "Ulyca2" project to prevent the extinction of the Eurasian lynx in the Dinaric Mountains and Southeastern Alps,
The liberation of two lynxes
The liberation of two lynxes
The liberation of two lynxes
freepik (generic image)
The Eurasian lynx
The Eurasian lynx is a major predator of European and Siberian forests. At one time this feline was present throughout Europe, but since the late 1800s it has become extinct in many central and western European countries.
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