Honduran curious leaf-nosed white bat

The Honduran white bat (scientific name Ectophylla alba) is a bat that inhabits Central America, especially in moist evergreen and secondary forests up to 700 meters above sea level.

This small-sized bat is currently considered a species close to the threat of extinction. Its body is almost entirely pure white in color (except for the lower belly and rump, which are light gray). Other parts, however, such as the ears, thumb and especially the nasal leaf appear bright yellow instead.

Given its small size, it weighs up to about 7 grams. Female specimens are capable of giving birth to only one cub at a time.
Where the Honduran white bat lives.
The Honduran white bat (scientific name Ectophylla alba) is a bat that inhabits Central America, especially in moist evergreen and secondary forests up to 700 meters above sea level.
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The characteristic color of its body
This small-sized bat is currently considered a species close to the threat of extinction. Its body is almost entirely pure white in color (except for the lower belly and rump, which are light gray). Other parts, however, such as the ears, thumb and especially the nasal leaf appear bright yellow instead.
The small size
Given its small size, the Honduran white bat weighs up to about 7 grams. Female specimens are only able to give birth to one cub at a time.
What does it eat
The diet of the Honduran white bat is mainly based on fruit consumption and particularly the consumption of native ficus species.
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How does it love to live
The Honduran white bat is an animal that likes to live solitary or in very small groups of a few individuals. It likes to hide among the leaves of heliconia rolled up, which it uses for several days consecutively before moving to other shelter.
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