International vets rescue Noor Jehan: the Pakistani elephant with giant legs
A story with a happy ending comes from a zoo in Pakistan, where international veterinarians rescued 17-year-old elephant Noor Jehan, who, due to various health problems, had developed a condition that caused his hind legs to overgrow.
Virtually paralysed for months, the elephant was sedated and rescued by veterinarians and wildlife experts from Four Paws International, who learned of the story after seeing pictures posted on social media.
The condition of Pakistani zoos has already come under international scrutiny in the past, leading to the closure of the only zoo in the country's capital.
International vets rescue Noor Jehan: the Pakistani elephant with giant legs
A story with an happy ending comes from a zoo in Pakistan, where international veterinarians rescued 17-year-old elephant Noor Jehan, who, due to various health problems, had developed a condition that caused his hind legs to overgrow. Virtually paralysed for months, the elephant was sedated and rescued by veterinarians and wildlife experts from Four Paws International, who learned of the story after seeing pictures posted on social media. The condition of Pakistani zoos has already come under international scrutiny in the past, leading to the closure of the only zoo in the country's capital.
International vets rescue Noor Jehan: the Pakistani elephant with giant legs
Veterinarians from Four Paws International, global animal and wildlife experts, examine the elephant Noor Jehan, lifted by a crane during its medical evaluation at the zoo in Karachi, Pakistan, April 5, 2023.
International vets rescue Noor Jehan: the Pakistani elephant with giant legs
Four Paws vets arrived in Pakistan to provide medical care for an ailing elephantess, rendered partially immobile due to severely swollen joints.
International vets rescue Noor Jehan: the Pakistani elephant with giant legs
In order to perform some diagnostic tests, the 17-year-old elephant was sedated by veterinarians, who described it as a very risky and really delicate operation, during which they also "risked losing it."
International vets rescue Noor Jehan: the Pakistani elephant with giant legs
After lifting the 3.5 tonne animal with a crane, instrumental examinations revealed a huge haematoma inside the abdomen, as well as problems with the intestines. This caused a huge growth of the hind limbs, making it impossible for the elephant to move freely inside the cage. It is clear that Noor Jehan is in a lot of pain," said one of the veterinarians. "There is a cure for this... he needs some luck and a lot of work in the coming days."
International vets rescue Noor Jehan: the Pakistani elephant with giant legs
This is not the first time there have been cases of medical malpractice inside Pakistan's zoos. In fact, back in 2020, a court ordered the closure of the only zoo in the country's capital, Islamabad.
International vets rescue Noor Jehan: the Pakistani elephant with giant legs
The facility drew international criticism for the way the Asian elephant called Kaavan was treated, which was later flown to Cambodia for retirement, thanks to a project led by American singer and actress Cher and Four Paws.
International vets rescue Noor Jehan: the Pakistani elephant with giant legs
Last year, a zoo in Lahore cancelled plans to auction off 12 lions to private individuals due to over-breeding, saying it would instead build new enclosures for the large animals. 'The time has come to totally eliminate zoos from Pakistan,' said Mahera Omar, head of the Pakistan Animal Welfare Society.