From dams to tunnels, six animals can build like architects

The work of the architect is not exclusive to humans as there are plenty of animals that can think and build objects or their own dwellings.

Animals that are 'architects' are all those that are capable of using materials and executing both temporary and permanent constructions. Just think of birds building their nests or beavers setting up dams. But not only that. 

Many animals build their dens while others make traps to catch prey that they then feed on.

Animals capable of building
The work of the architect is not exclusive to humans, as there are plenty of animals that can think and build objects or their own dwellings. Animals that are 'architects' are all those that are capable of using materials and executing both temporary and permanent constructions. Just think of birds building their nests or beavers setting up dams. But not only that. Many animals build their dens while others make traps to catch prey that they then feed on.
Prairie dog
Like other animals, the mole above all, the prairie dog is able to dig tunnels which it then uses as a den. The tunnels are not only needed as a burrow, but are also an excellent stratagem for moving underground.
Squirrels mainly live in trees. Here, they like to build their dens, either from scratch or by exploiting cavities in the wood. To build their nests, squirrels use a variety of materials ranging from twigs to sticks, but they also make use of bark, grass and moss.
The beaver is an animal capable of building very complex dams. Thanks to its ability to manipulate objects, dig, gnaw wood and withstand several minutes underwater, the beaver builds dams to create a rather deep water refuge that can relax it and keep it away from predators. The dams are made using tree trunks and branches, bark, leaves and aquatic plants such as water lilies.
The spider is adept at building very strong webs that then enable it to catch the prey it feeds on. The web is made from microscopic threads that are the result of viscous material produced by the spiders themselves, which secrete it through special glands.
The orangutan is also able to build something. In order to relax in the trees and enjoy a well-earned rest, the orang-utan builds its nest out of logs that it artfully bends and then places on the strongest branches.
The termite nest - termite mound - can be made of different materials, the nature of which depends on the location of the nest. Termites can in fact be terricolous, lignicolous and arboreal. Large termite mounds are the most complicated buildings found in the animal world. They generally contain four types of cavity: the actual dwelling, tunnels that serve to connect the various centres, corridors and craters, and an open space between the hypogeal nest and the ground next to it.
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