Guinness Beasts: the world's most venomous animals and other curiosities
If you live in Australia, you already know everything. If, on the other hand, you are lucky enough to live in a place where every animal species does not try to kill you, then you will find it interesting to know which are the most venomous animals in the world according to the Guinness World Record 2023.
Obviously, these are not specimens you can encounter while walking around the country with friends, but you should be especially careful: knowing how to recognise them is very important, because it could save your life. For each species, we have also indicated the poison index, so that you can make the necessary comparisons.
Dive into this review of horrors with us - have fun.
Guinness Beasts: the world's most venomous animals and other curiosities
If you live in Australia, you already know everything. If, on the other hand, you are lucky enough to live in a place where every animal species does not try to kill you, then you will find it interesting to know which are the most venomous animals in the world according to the Guinness World Record 2023. Obviously, these are not specimens you can encounter while walking around the country with friends, but you should be especially careful: knowing how to recognise them is very important, because it could save your life. For each species, we have also indicated the poisonousness index, so you can make the necessary comparisons.immerse yourself with us in this review of horrors, enjoy.
Di João P. Burini - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Phoneutria / Australian funnel web spider
According to the Guinness World Record 2023, there are two spiders competing for the title of world's most venomous. The first is the spider of the Phoneutria family, which lives in Central and South America, and causes the most serious poisonings with an LD50 value (Lethal Dose in toxicology, i.e. the amount of a substance capable of killing, in a single administration, 50% of a sample population of experimental animals) of 7.5 micrograms/kg. The second is the male spider of the Atrax family, known as the Australian funnel web spider, whose venom contains substances that stress the nervous system, even to the point of death.
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Gaboon Viper (the snake with longest teeth)
Suffice it to say that the adult male of this snake is capable, with its venom alone, of killing at least 30 people. It lives in the sub-Saharan Africa and its teeth can reach up to 50 mm. Moreover, it produces more venom than all other existing snakes.
By Renato Augusto Martins - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Aparashenodon brunoi frog
The most poisonous frog in the world is the Aparashenodon brunoi. One gram of its toxin is enough to kill, get this, 80 adult humans or 300,000 mice. The venom is emitted through tiny spines on its skull, a natural way to defend itself against predators. Its LD50 is 0.16-0.24mg/kg (meaning that for every kg of a person, or animal, 0.16-0.24 mg of venom is enough to kill).
Di The photographer and, CC BY 4.0,
Bullet ant (the world's most painful sting)
The bullet ant is not one of the most venomous animals in the world, but it is interesting to note that it is the animal with the most painful sting in the world, so much so that it earns a nice 4+ on Schmid's scale for pain (that's the highest). The entomologist, who drew up this insect sting pain scale in 1983, compared this ant's sting to 'walking on hot coals with an 8 cm nail driven through the heel'.
Di XLerate, CC BY-SA 3.0,
The most venomous land snake in the world is the Taipan (Oxyuranus), capable of killing a human with as little as 1 mg of venom, although to date there are no documented deaths due to its bite. It obviously lives in Australia, in Queensland, and has small mammals such as rats as its favorite prey.
Di by Ester Inbar, available from, Attribution, https://
Yellow Scoprion
According to analysis by research laboratories, the yellow scorpion is the most venomous scorpion in the world, but it is not the one that has caused the most deaths over the years. In fact, this scorpion has a LD50 of 0.25mg/kg, but Androctonus scorpion, which live in North Africa, are much more lethal to humans, perhaps in part because they are more widespread.
By SeanMack - Own work, CC BY 2.5,
These are extremely dangerous fish, mainly because they are able to blend in perfectly with their surroundings. The "horrida" species has a LD50 of 0.4 microgram/kg on mice. It possesses about 15 spines on its back, and for a human to be stung by one or two of these is enough to die.
Di Jens Petersen - Opera propria, CC BY 2.5,
Blue-ringed octopus
These octopuses are capable of secreting a truly tremendous neurotoxin, capable of killing an adult human with as little as 0.87 mg of the substance. The venom in these animals is the same as that found in pufferfish.