Mosquitoes also sting us because of us: mistakes to avoid

Although it is easy to blame mosquitoes exclusively for their bites, we ourselves often encourage their presence through very common mistakes.

In this photo gallery we explore key aspects of mosquito ecology, the places where mosquitoes grow and the mistakes we make that encourage their proliferation.

We will provide detailed explanations to offer the most complete overview possible of how we can change our habits and behaviour, and the steps we can take to minimise contact with mosquitoes and preserve our well-being

Mosquitoes also sting us because of us: mistakes to avoid
Although it is easy to blame mosquitoes exclusively for their bites, we ourselves often encourage their presence through very common mistakes. In this photo gallery we explore key aspects of mosquito ecology, the places where mosquitoes grow and the mistakes we make that encourage their proliferation. We will provide detailed explanations to offer the most complete overview possible of how we can change our habits and behaviour, and the steps we can take to minimise contact with mosquitoes and preserve our well-being.
Potted plants and flowers attract the attention of mosquitoes. These insects are attracted to plants and especially to water and moisture: take care not to leave puddles on the balcony floor and remember to remove any water that accumulates in the saucers.
Buckets and basins with residual water create the perfect environment for mosquitoes to breed. If they cannot be removed, at least turn them upside down.
Beware of windows: in the evening and morning (sunrise and sunset) should be left closed because these are the times when mosquitoes come out in droves.
House cleaning
House cleaning and maintenance offer the advantage of identifying areas at risk of mosquito infestation (wet area) and allow removal of pests that seek moisture and water as a food source.
Controlling one's perspiration by trying to stay cool and dry is a great way to decrease the chances of being targeted by mosquitoes.
When you exercise, you sweat, and sweat attracts mosquitoes. Choose the place where you choose to exercise carefully, avoiding areas where stagnant water is present.
Mosquito control treatment
The effectiveness and results of treatment against mosquito infestation depend on the service one chooses and the number of treatments that can be limited. The advice is to supplement the treatment with natural repellents to increase its effectiveness.
Drains and more generally the boiler room, or areas where there are siphons and drains are favourite areas for mosquitoes because of the damp environment created. Exterminate these areas.
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