Some of the strongest animals in the world in relation to their size

Humans spend hours and hours of their time in the gym to strengthen their muscles: there are, however, animals that, by nature, have incredible strength. 

In this case, one does not consider strength in an absolute sense: it would not make sense, as some larger animals would inevitably be classified as stronger. Instead, one must take into account the animals that are able to undergo the greatest physical exertion in relation to their weight and size. 

Here are some of the strongest animals on the planet!

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Some of the strongest animals in relation to their weight and size
Humans spend hours and hours of their time in the gym to strengthen their muscles: there are, however, animals that, by nature, have incredible strength. In this case, one does not consider strength in an absolute sense: it would not make sense, as some larger animals would inevitably be classified as stronger. Instead, one must take into account the animals that are able to undergo the greatest physical exertion in relation to their weight and size. Here are some of the strongest animals on the planet!
Rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes nasicornis)
The rhinoceros beetle measures about 18 centimeters (including 10 centimeters of horn) and can even lift objects equal to 850 times its own weight, as if a human being could lift about 68 tons: this makes the rhinoceros beetle the strongest animal in nature considering the ratio of size to the amount of pounds it can lift. This beetle is herbivorous, but it uses strength to wrestle with its fellows so as to gain the attention of females.
Grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis)
The grizzly alone has more strength than six adult humans combined: in fact, a full-size bear can lift a boulder weighing 160 kilograms. In addition, grizzly 's bite is one of the strongest in nature: its jaws close with enough energy to crush a human skull or break the spine of very large prey, such as a moose.
MKAMPIS, Wikimedia
Green anaconda (Eunectes murinus)
The green anaconda can weigh up to 200 kilograms and is about eight meters long. It can crush lots of very large prey (potentially even a human) with its body, killing them in a very short time: about 10 seconds on average.
Leafcutter ant (Atta)
Very small, but very strong: the leaf-cutter ant can lift objects 50 times its own body weight. Basically, as if a human being could lift a truck!
Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)
The Siberian tiger is an alpha predator: this means that it is at the top of the food chain in its habitat and has no predators or threats in the wild (excluding humans). This feline weighs about 250-300 kilograms, can run up to 40 miles per hour and is capable of carrying animals weighing up to twice its own body weight.
White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum)
The white rhinoceros is the largest species of rhinoceros in existence: it can weigh up to three tonnes. Despite its size, this animal is very agile and fast. For this reason, when it runs and charges another animal there is no escape, which is why when two white rhinos challenge each other the battle often ends with the death of one of the two contenders.
Eduardo Merille, Wikimedia
Harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja)
This raptor is among the largest in existence, as it reaches 110 centimeters in length and a wingspan of more than two meters. Thanks to their talons, harpies are alpha predators capable of grabbing even adult animals weighing between 6 and 10 kilograms, carrying them in flight to their nest without ever landing for a break. The diet of these raptors includes monkeys, raccoons, as well as chickens and possums.
Getty Images
African elephant (Loxodonta africana)
The African elephant weighs over seven tonnes and is the largest living land animal. Its size therefore allows it to rank among the strongest animals. Despite its size, the elephant is a herbivore and only attacks to defend itself when it perceives a threat, especially in the presence of its cubs.
American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)
This reptile can weigh up to 500 kilograms, and its strength lies totally in its snout. In fact, the American alligator can exert a force of 400 kilograms per square centimeter (1,600 kilograms of force) with its jaws: in a nutshell, the force generated by its bite is six times higher than that generated by a tiger or a white shark!
Gorilla (Gorilla)
Male gorillas can weigh up to 200 kilograms. It has been calculated that, considering its strength, the gorilla could kill 10 men at once. The strength in its arms is immense: in fact, the gorilla can lift up to 2,000 kilograms, equal to 30 humans.
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