Six ways to protect your cat from excessive heat

With summer approaching and temperatures rising, it is essential to take care of the well-being of our feline friends.

This overview will provide you with valuable tips and advice on how to protect cats from the harmful effects of excessive heat: we will explore six effective ways to keep our feline friends cool and safe during the hottest months of the year.

From practical solutions to the use of specialised accessories, the aim is to inform on preventive measures to ensure the comfort and health of our adorable four-legged companions.

6 ways to protect your cat from excessive heat
With summer approaching and temperatures rising, it is essential to take care of the well-being of our feline friends. This overview will provide you with valuable tips and advice on how to protect cats from the harmful effects of excessive heat: we will explore six effective ways to keep our feline friends cool and safe during the hottest months of the year. From practical solutions to the use of specialised accessories, the aim is to inform on preventive measures to ensure the comfort and health of our adorable four-legged companions.
Keep your cat hydrated by placing several water bowls in different places in the house and making sure they are always full.
Place a small bottle of cold water in the cat's kennel to refresh it and thus make the cat feel cooler.
No to plastic bowls
In excessive heat, plastic bowls may alter the taste of water, causing the cat to drink less and consequently be less hydrated.
Raised kennel
During the summer period the floor can become very hot: for this reason it is advisable to keep the cat's kennels raised off the floor.
Try to create shady areas in the house. You can use plants, but check first that they are not toxic for the cat.
It is very important for the cat's well-being during the summer period that the rooms in the house are ventilated. Make sure the rooms are ventilated by opening the windows during the cooler times of the day and keeping them closed during the warmer times.
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