Five games to entertain your dog at home

How to entertain our 4-legged friends when they stay at home?

Sometimes we are forced to leave our furry friends at home, but what do they do when we are not there? Boredom can sometimes take over and those who pay the price are furniture, shoes, slippers, in short, everything that happens within range can be, bitten, eaten, etc.

In this gallery we give you some tips to entertain your dogs, let's discover them together.

5 games to entertain the dog at home
Let's see them together
Noisy games
They are easily found, are made of plastic and sound with every bite.
Ropes and balls
This is a game much loved by our friends. They are games created with special ropes, they will have fun biting them for hours.
A plushy friend
Have you ever tried to give your faithful friends a soft toy? Some identify him as a playmate.
With bones made for them, success is assured.
The old slipper
If you have one, leave it to them every now and then. But watch out for small pieces. 
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You... Faithful friends
And remember to take them everywhere. Your company is the most precious thing they have.
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